Why I Want To Pursue A Science Degree

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I have always had a love for problem solving; even before I had decided that computing is the path I would like to go down I had always had an interest in how things worked, how to take them apart, reassemble and possibly improve.This course will allow me to improve my problem solving abilities as well as gain more knowledge about both computing hardware and software in a way that I find both interesting and enjoyable. I have previously completed two BETCH National Diplomas in I.T and Engineering; while I am in the process of completing a Level 3 Extended Diploma it I.T. I feel that these have given me the skills and understanding to perform well at a Degree level of education; both my engineering and I.T qualifications have allow me to understand and use computing within a business setting such as database systems, equipment and the increased amount that computing will be used over the years whereas my currently incomplete Extended Diploma is allowing me to learn, understand and put these skills into a practical use. I also took part in and completed a programming course through Ulster University in JavaScript using the program called blue-j; this program allowed a number of pupils in a class to complete in introduction course on programming, this course …show more content…

For several years towards the end of my time in the BB I was leader; this gave me the responsibility of a small number of boys in which I instructed in completing tasks, games and drills however I did not solely instruct as I would openly take any and all criticism and idea from the younger/older

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