Telecommuting and Corporate Culture: Implications for the Mobile Enterprise

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What is telecommuting, and why would anyone want to either be employed by or employ others to work from their home? The telecommuting employees are “Salaried employees of an organization replace or modify the commute by working at home or a location closer to home than the regular workplace, generally using ICT to support productivity and communication with the supervisor, co-workers, clients, and other colleagues.” (Hoang, Nickerson, Beckman, & Eng, 2008) and according to studies 47 percent of telecommuting workers report that they are more productive while working from home due to a lessening of stress and increased satisfaction in their career - while their employers glean the benefit of saving 63 percent of the cost of absenteeism and save thousands of dollars annually over traditionally employed workers. (Potter, 2003) While some may say that in order to function properly in a workplace you have to be in the workplace, with minor adjustments in technology on both the employer’s and employee’s part telecommuting has become a proven, viable way for businesses to function profitably while their workforce remains able to reduce the stress of commuting on their personal and family lives.
Studies show that the cost of setting up a potential telecommuting situation for an employee or employees is dependent upon the existing technology level of the employer and potential telecommuting employee(s), the type of security network required to safeguard the data transmitted between them and the size of the operation. If an employer has a preexisting computer infrastructure including base units and server capabilities it can decrease the startup costs of a telecommuting operation. For small businesses the investment could be as little...

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