Managing Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace

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Diversity as an issue is new. It became an issue when three powerfully significant trends reached their own critical points at about the same time (Fernandez & Barr, 1993): The global market in which American corporations must now do business became intensely competitive. The makeup of the U.S. work force began changing dramatically, becoming more diverse. Individuals began to increasingly celebrate their differences and become less amenable to compromising what makes them unique. This inclination represents a marked departure from previous times when predispositions were to "fit in." To succeed in this highly competitive environment, managers must find ways to get the highest level of contribution from their workers. And they will not be able to do that unless they are aware of the many ways that their understanding of diversity related to how well, or how poorly, people contribute (Johnston & Packer, 1987). This competition is not going to go away; it is only going to increase, as American companies continue their scramble for markets. The point to remember is that, at the same time, they are scrambling for the best talent they can find, and searching for ways to get the best from the employees they now have (Fernandez, 1991). That is at the core of the business rationale for thinking about diversity. Managers must be clear about this--companies must make it a priority to create the kind of environment that will attract the best new talent and will make it possible for employees to make their fullest contribution (Fernandez, 1991). Changing Demographics The leaders of U.S. corporations must also recognize that the makeup of the overall American work force today is vastly different from what it w... ... middle of paper ... ... Skill Development Approach. Fernandez, John P. and Barr, Mary, (1993). The Diversity Advantage: How American Business Can Out-Perform Japanese and European Companies in the Global Marketplace. Fernandez, John P., (1991). Managing a Diverse Work Force: Regaining the competitive Edge. Johnston , William B. and Packer, Arnold H., (1987). Workforce 2000: Work and Workers for the 21st Century. Loden, Marilyn, (1996). Implementing Diversity. Our Company: A Closer Look: Workplace Diversity, found at Schein, Edgar H., (1985). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Thomas, Jr., R. Roosevelt, (1991). Beyond Race and Gender: Unleashing the Power of Your Total Work Force by Managing Diversity. United States Postal Service, Management Instruction - EL-670-95-1, 1995, found at

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