Starting School Start Later Essay

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Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence, meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm. Therefore, schools should think about starting school at a later time. It will be healthier for students, beneficials for their academic knowledge, and better relationships. First, many schools need to consider starting school at a later time because students are getting more tried and they are doing less. For example, many students have quizzes or tests everyday, in this case those students have to study and some may be up all night. According to Brian Jacob he stated, “ These early start times have been linked with reductions in students performance, stemming from increased absences, and fatigue.” (Jacob) On the other hand, there will be less time for after school tutoring if school starts later. However, students and teachers can meet up during lunch or when available. Also, their school performance will improved, less tardiness and absences, and students will put more effort into their work if the school day starts at least 30 minutes later. …show more content…

For example, most students have homework every night. For this reason many students have to learn many lessons that day and bring home a load full of homework. Student Cheyenne McKinney says, “As a current freshman at McCracken County High School I have homework every night and it’s usually in more than one class.” (McKinney) This tends to happen to some students around the United States. On the positive side students are learning more and gaining more knowledge. As a result students are stressing more and have less time to relax. As you can see it isn’t that they are lazy it’s just that they have a lot on their

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