Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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Should the Death penalty be banned in the states? I say no because I’m all for it, the death penalty is here to put the evil in man to rest. Without the death penalty all the convicts that murder would have no punishment and basically be locked up in prison for life. I bet some convicts would pick life in prison over the death penalty because it is like for them living in a hotel. I’m all for the death penalty because it will provide closure for victims, It is not always cruel, and it Prevents crime.

The Death penalty provides closure for the victims because then they are not haunted by the fact that their loved ones have died and that the person that did it will be faced with the same outcome, death. According to jones (2014)“In U.S, 63% …show more content…

A lot of people fear death because they don’t know what’s happens next. According to Pepper (2013).In recent studies it shows that each execution that is carried out is correlated with 74 fewer murders following the following year. In more studies it explains the relationships between the number of execution and the number of murders in the U.S. From 1976 to 2004 it shows a negative correlation in which when execution increase, murders decrease, and when execution decrease, murder increase. By using this information, people fear the death penalty because they don’t want to die and when you inforce it crime will stop.

Should the Death penalty be banned in the states? No, because it’s an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth it creates a punishment for people that has done the wrong thing and like they say once you killed someone you’re more likely to do it again and the public doesn’t want someone that’s going to kill be on the streets they want them to be locked up or be killed the death penalty creates closure for victims, and some of the executions are not always cruel,
And lastly the death penalty prevents crime because it strikes fear into people’s

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