Should Nebraska Reintroduce The Death Penalty?

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The question has arisen quite recently, as to whether or not the state of Nebraska should reintroduce the death penalty as our maximum form of punishment. I’m sure there’s a bunch of people saying “No” to this question, for the very simple fact that it is the killing of another person. However, I’m one of those people that think we definitely need this drastic punishment back in our state for multiple reasons. The very first thing I would like to bring to mind is the fact that murderers, rapists, and predators can all escape from prison to continue committing the crimes they were put in prison for. Secondly, if those people have the incentive to do a crime the first time then who is to say that they won’t commit one again? They could somehow get their sentences reduced, or be eligible with parole. …show more content…

Lastly, personally I feel as though if those people made the decision to end a person’s life, or severely alter their lives then they don’t deserve the option to keep living, even if it is in prison. Ultimately it sounds completely hateful to take another person’s life by lethal injection, but maybe if the state of Nebraska were to bring back the death penalty then more states would decide to do the same thing, and this could cut down on our crime rates. So once again my answer is, Yes, to the death penalty for the highest form of punishment. If the criminal can’t accept the punishment for the crime committed, then the person should have thought about that before they went and committed a crime. I don’t disagree with the people who say the death penalty is wrong, considering that is their opinions but as a person who has had two of my close friends killed this subject is very personal to me, therefore I would not feel right if I did not support the death

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