Personal Essay: My First Falmouth Fishing Tournament

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My passion for fishing is one of the most important things in my life. I am your typical guy who lives for the ocean. I don’t know what my identity would be without it in my life. I fish for inshore and offshore species. In the summer months I spend more time on the ocean than land. And I love tournaments. I am a kid who is determined to win them. And that’s what I wanted when I entered my first Falmouth Fishing Tournament. I came in fourth place last year in a nail biting decision. The tournament point system is overall weight of your top four catches and I was devastated about the defeat.
I spent hours of rigging leaders, catching eels for bait, and sharpening hooks to be prepared for the tournament. I raced in the morning to get all the gear on the boat. My team and I decided to fish the shoals for bluefish and rack up some quick points. As soon as the lines hit the water we were hooked up. I grabbed a rod. The reel was streaming line cutting through the water like butter. My …show more content…

We cruised down to the spot as the sun was just peaking over the greasy calm water. When we got there we dropped down our live eels and the striped bass could not resist. I instantly felt the strike. It was a big fish. When it came to the boat I took my sharp pointy gaff and snagged the lunker in the head and hauled him into the boat. It was the biggest fish I have ever caught and it came at the right time. We set the lines back out, but kept pulling out only small fish. It came down to our last bait. I kept praying for a big fish so I sent the bait down, and then whack! The fish hit and started peeling drag off my reel. I knew it was a big fish. I gave it my all trying to get the bass to the boat. I finally got the beast on board, and he was massive. I got so excited I almost fell out of the boat myself. My father gaffed him, and I knew it was game over. I could not have been any

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