Overstepping Boundaries In The United States

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Overstepping Boundaries Should it be the government's job to try to keep people healthy? Katie Rosenhouse once said, “what is life without a little sugar and salt and the good stuff.” So therefore, is it really anyone's business about what people choose to consume? The government should follow the First amendment. Which states the people have the right to freedom. If they take away the people's right to eat junk food, salt, and sugar then the government is basically taking away their freedom to drink and eat what they please. Without the sugar, the salt, and other sweet components some foods would become rather bland and boring. If the government chooses to begin the ban on salt and sugar then, crimes would most likely start going …show more content…

Adults have the right to drink how ever much they want to even though it may not be good for them its their body. Wanna be able to go get a big soda with a burger, or a lunch. Adults should be able to go out and get what they want. When the constitutions say we have the right to have freedom of press. They are kinda taking that away, in a way. Businesses will not be able to advertise, for large soda’s. It can also mess with the pursuit of happiness, because a lot of people love to drink soda and they like to have sweets. The government should not be able to force us to do things. They can take away our rights from the amendments. We live in America and we should not be forced to do anything we don't want unless it is taking away life from another human being, harming other human beings. If they can get away with this they are gonna try and try to push further out and they are gonna try to overcome other rights. We have the 27 amendments for a reason so we can have our rights. If we start letting them take away our freedoms and rights then they will be able to turn this country into a controlling health world. Think about it for a minute! Do you really wanna be bossed around and told what you should do? When you go to McDonalds do you ever want to be able to go in and order a Big Mac with a large soda? I know I do! I don’t think it is the government's place to tell us what we can and can not eat. That is the consumer's

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