Freedom Of Speech In America

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Freedom of Speech has been long debated in our country. In two articles “Tinker v. Des Moines Case Study” and the” Here Is Why It’s Time To Get Tough On hate Speech In America” present a few very compelling points on this topic. Freedom of Speech in America has been over thought and over analyzed. Our freedom should be a loud, but such places as private businesses and schools should have guidelines, if they wish, which clearly states what is appropriate. Sometimes, people will take their authority over people way too far to the point where it becomes unethical. In 1965 the Vietnam conflict was going on which some people were not very happy about. Some teenagers decided to wear black armbands during their break to represent stopping the war. In Des Moines they school heard about this and said,” ….that any member of the student body wearing a black armband would be requested to take it off, with refusal to do so resulting in being sent home from school.”(Case Study) A couple of students wore these armbands to school and refused to take them off which resulted in their suspension, but this was done basically just because …show more content…

At the University of Iowa, a student put up some art which depicted a member of the K.K.K with newspaper articles of racism around it. This art, however, was meant to show awareness of the issue, but people saw it as pure racism. This article goes on to talk about the opposition’s point of view,” …. we need to stop permitting students from employing hate speech on school campuses and other institutes of learning.” In a sense, this should be enforced, but it needs a few modifications. This freedom we have should stay the same, but when certain public places have guidelines they should be followed with respect. The viewpoint of the opposition is, however, a little more

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