Obesity and Freedom of Choice: A Stand Against Food Regulation

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Obesity in the United States Obesity is a problem all around the world not only the United States, but many other places! My forte and the stand against the reasoning against the government exploiting regulating the food and drink habits is that they shouldn’t be going around banning what Americans eat, or even drink; it’s our choice to eat and drink what we want not the government they don’t choose what we eat and drink we do! Us Americans, and also my point of view is that we should be able to come home and eat something that Americans want to eat because we want to, not only should we be allowed to eat what we want, but citizens’’ should also be able to drink what we want not have the government regulate everything that we eat and also drink. …show more content…

Also the government is trying to regulate how much we can drink at gas stations or even anywhere in general, they are also banning things over 16OZ’s in the places we eat. This idea might be appealing to some, my dispute against this is that we should be allowed to get a drink that can last us all day. America is the land of the free, now they try to regulate what size drinks Americans and other citizens’ can drink? American citizens should be allowed to stand for this! Americans work for the drinks that we are paying for, is this hurting the government obviously it’s not; it’s effecting our obesity. The government should not be allowed to go and regulate something that Americans work for because it’s what we are doing, it is not fair that they can go and do this. We are not hurting the government by just buying a 32oz, then just having regular …show more content…

It would never change anything, people already knew if it was bad for you, or if it was healthy which is just based on knowledge. People are not going to change the way they eat because they are putting calories on the menus, my thought being because no one wants to change how they eat because they have more knowledge on what they are eating. The government should not regulate what we choose to eat, people would just not listen and keep doing what they do if they were to regulate it. It would put more issues to the American government, If American citizens really care about their health or the way they look, then they will watch out for what they eat and drink; also eat healthier food. Regulating on what we eat and drink is also not a very good idea, to me and we American citizens stand to this choice. Overall, Americans have the knowledge on what’s healthy and what isn’t but it’s only our choice if we want to have obesity, or be overweight. My argument stands against the government regulating on what we eat or drink, because it’s my choice not theirs. There are two sides of the story, which has the good and the bad, but both has to have knowledge. It just depends on if you want to be fat or not, maybe if people really cared about how they looked they could

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