My Football Coach Research Paper

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Leadership Some people want to have leadership as one of their personal traits. Leadership is defined as “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group”(“leadership”). I believe that some people that show a lot of leadership are Dwight D. Eisenhower and my Football coach . In our everyday lives leadership is used to describe who takes charge of situations. I believe we use this term accurately everyday. Leadership is about when somebody inspires other people to do something by giving speeches and leading by example. Leaders need to inspire other people, they need to be outgoing, and they need to be helpful. People that don’t have the trait of leadership are usually care about themselves and people who aren’t leaders are not good role models. One of the traits for people that aren’t leaders is they aren’t honest and they lack respect for other people. Another trait is that they don’t like to talk to other people. A word closely related to leadership would be inspiration someone could inspire a person but don’t have all the traits as a leader. Another word closely related to leadership is authority leaders do have authority but they use …show more content…

Before our last football game our coach was talking to us before we had to go out and play. He was telling use to get our minds set for the game and was getting all excited about our last game of the season, he was inspiring us to do are best. After we had won the game we went to the locker room had we were all excited that we had won the last game of the season. Our coach was being selfless when he was giving our pregame talk to the team. Our coach was helpful when we were practicing for the game by showing some of the plays that we were going to use in the game after the pregame talk. Our coach was leading by example by going through the drills during the pregame practice

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