Miss Representation Essay

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Introduction In a contemporary media image film of the portrayal of women, the film explores the ways in which mainstream media contributes to the representation of women. The negative image of women in media is under-represented causing women to be in a position of inferiority, by looking at the 2011 American documentary film, Miss Representation, written, directed and produced by Jennifer Newsom. The documentary raises important concerns such as the lack of women leaders and the constant emphasis on women’s body, and body parts. The act of objectification and dehumanization of women in the media sets an example for other members of society, such as young teens and other women to not have a proper representation of their sex in the media. The power of media and bias portrayal of women also raises other issues such as violence at the home, mental health disorders and lack of opportunities in the field of …show more content…

Women continue to be underrepresented in leadership roles, although women make up 51% of the total U.S. population, there are a small number of women representatives in films directors, producers, representatives in congress and high positions. The media images have become a reflection of the status in society and politics due to the public attitudes and opinion on women. As we continue to make progress, no policies or laws have been created or passed in order to stop the negative portrayal of women in the media. This subject is not new to the public, it has been a constant battle and the director Newsom brings a new light to subject by incorporating various speakers. The images of women continue to change but no radical and positive change will occur until women are behind the cameras and images that are being portrayed. It would change the view and direction of power from a neutral perspective of women in

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