Jennifer Siebel Newsom Miss Representation

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The documentary, “Miss Representation,” is a film about how women are perceived in the media. It is written, directed, and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. She is an actress and a film maker who advocates for women. In the beginning of the documentary, Newsom discusses her struggles as a young woman surrounded by the pressures of looking a certain way. This film is targeting mainly women of all age that has experienced her struggles. Jennifer Siebel Newsom effectively convinces the audience of “Miss Representation” that the media has molded women in a negative way through statistics, celebrities’ and younger generation’s testimonies, and clips from the media. Firstly, Newsom provided a handful of statistics that show how the media has affect women negatively. Girls are exposed to the idea of having the “perfect body” at a very young age due to television. This causes them to become unhappy with their bodies. According to “Miss Representation,” fifty three percent of thirteen year old are unsatisfied by the look of their bodies and as they reach the age of seventeen, that percentage increases to seventy eight percent. This causes eating disorders because women are taught to look a certain way. The characters on tv shows and …show more content…

It is clear that based on the clips provided, women in the media are either praised or scrutinized by how they look. Hillary Clinton, a well known politician was attacked by the media just because she looked tired. Another clip that was shown was a scene from "A Devil Wears Prada." In the movie, Anne Hathaway's character was called fat by her boss, when in reality Anne has a very slim figure. If she was called fat, what will the girls growing up today will think about their bodies? Another example would be the repeated clips of attractive women characters. These character are what girls want to become; tall, blonde, and a body figure to die

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