Miss Representation Film Analysis

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Concerning about the women’s rights, Jennifer Newsom, a filmmaker, made a documentary film of the representation of women in this society, which contains the stories of many women and herself, as well as analysis statements of many scholars. In this movie, “Miss Representation”, Jennifer effectively convinces the audience that the women were objectified and degraded in the media through the use of statements of experts from different fields, the analysis by these authorities with statistical data, and the touching testimonies of different women about their own stories. Firstly, Jennifer use the reputation of some famous people and the experts, includes the filmmakers, lawyer, authors, associate professor of a university, the president and …show more content…

Starting with her own story, Jennifer Newsom narrates her experience of her childhood and the concern for her daughter’s future life in a warm tone, which gives the audience the feel of familiar and sincere. Besides, the stories of some high school girls, especially their experiences of being discriminated and hurt, touch the audience heart and get the sympathy. As the example, when Angelina, a high school student, saying with grievance that she was asked to vomit and take a hamburger because she was small and people thought that she had anorexia, which forced her to eat a lot to prove to them that she didn't have eating disorder, and Alexis, another high school girl, saying that she had to straight her hair to fit in with the others, while she could not do with curly hair, the film presents the audience with a regrettable fact that the girls in this society are under great pressure because of the misrepresentation of females conveyed by the media. Besides, the video clips of some movies and advertisements also present that the value in the media degraded women and objectified

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