Leadership Comparison: Bill Gates And Bernard Ebbers

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Leadership Comparison
There are many components that make up one’s leadership style. These leadership components are unique to each individual and how each individual presents his or her self. The perception of whether or not an individual is a good leader is sometimes swayed because of their values or their ethical behavior. In general a leader is a person that has the skills to manage individuals and get these individuals to follow him or her. The text Developing Management Skills states “In order to be an effective manager, in other words, individuals must be competent in: (1) clan skills, or a focus on collaboration; (2) adhocracy skills, or the focus on creation; (3) market skills, or a focus on competition; and (4) hierarchy skills, or a focus on control” (Whetten & Cameron, 2014, p. 16). Two individuals for comparison are Bill Gates and Bernard Ebbers. These two individuals come from different backgrounds but are both very successful in the leadership of their companies. The one major difference between the two is their life’s outcome. Bill Gates took his company, Microsoft to one of the world’s most profitable companies and retired to lead a life of philanthropy. While Bernard Ebbers also grew his company, WorldCom, to …show more content…

Just because leaders are able to get their employees to follow them and their company to produce a profit, means they should be considered admirable. I feel that ethics plays a large role in how an individual should be viewed. It is clear to me that Bill Gates philanthropic style is more admirable than Bernard Ebbers’ do what it takes to get rich style. Bill Gates actually left Microsoft because he felt he could do more with his wealth by giving it to charity. Bill and his wife have opened up different foundations to support education, health, and low-income

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