Iego Research Papers

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Iego is a temperate world with areas of tropical forests, swamps, and a small desert; its defining feature is the Thousand Moons. Most of these moons are better classified as asteroids and are too small to even be appreciated, having formed from the remnants of planetary rings. While this is the defining feature of Iego, there is still much to be found on the planet itself. The wide range of climates on the planet has led to a large variety of local fauna, most of which has yet to be cataloged. These populations of local fauna can largely be found in the densely populated swamplands, where natural life thrives the most. The history of Iego is difficult to comment upon, as much of it has yet to be explored, though active research is ongoing. Since all native fauna appears to be transplanted, it is clear that the planet was visited by galactic explorers before the Clone Wars, however, beyond that, little is known as any hyperspace coordinates for the planet were lost until its relatively recent discovery. It is known, based on wreckage of ships on the planet and among the orbiting moons, that the planet was invaded at some point, but details of any battles are obscured by the mists of time. …show more content…

This has led to multiple industrial and housing complexes being established in orbit as well as on the planet. In addition, there have been rumors of a happenings in the north of the planet, and even the presence of a cult worshiping powerful deities with powers similar to those possessed by force users. Due to the small size and cellular nature of the group, little more than rumors has left the planet at this

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