I Want To Be A Therapist

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The other job I choose is a detective. My occupation code is SIA which stands for social, investigative, and artistic. Even though artistic ability won’t be useful for this job, investigative and social will greatly improve my chances of being successful at this job. Therefore, I am a good match for this job. There are risks and dangers to this job, but I’ve always enjoyed suspense and adventure. I grew up watching detective and criminal shows and I’ve never been scared by it;I only imagine me being the one catching the bad guy. I am also intelligent and a thinker. This job requires people who are capable of trusting their gut and making bold predictions. I’m that kind of person. Throughout my life, I’ve had to trust my gut and I usually come …show more content…

I am a deep thinker who always thinks outside the box and/or can come up with alternative plans to solving a conflict. I always seem to have a way around problems by changing up the strategy and a detector must be capable of doing that. Each case requires thinking deeply to solve the case. This demands for patience which is another characteristic I possess. I’ve always been that relaxing, chill guy who doesn’t get angry. Also, I play tennis which is a sport that requires tons of patience so I’ve already developed this skill. You cannot just rush through a case and give up if you cannot find a solution. This characteristic is a blessing as it is useful for many careers. The last important characteristic to this job is social. That is also a characteristic I have based on my myers-briggs and CIS occupation code. Detectives are not known as shy, timid people who are scared of talking to others or interrogating a criminal. They’re brave people who will do anything to prove the criminal guilty. I am constant socializer who’s open to meet new people. If I have to, I’ll call someone out for doing the wrong thing and that is key to being a detective. You can’t hold back, but you have to share your opinion, regardless of whether it’s right or not. All this said, I feel like I can achieve

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