How To Engage Your Fundraiser

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Best Tips on How to Engage Your Community LottoFund provides a platform where your community, which may include family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances, can converge and rally behind an individual or a charitable organization for a meaningful cause. Connecting with your immediate and extended community network is vital to the success of your fundraiser campaign, and should be your first step in sharing your fundraiser. Sharing your fundraiser story with as many individuals as possible serves to maximize your support base, and ultimately aid in reaching your fundraiser goal. Being able to engage your community also involves updating your community on the progress of your campaign, and thanking them for their support. Tell People about Your Fundraiser Fund raising can have a significant impact on the life of the …show more content…

• Since you already have an established relationship with the friend or family member, personalize the opening paragraph of your email. Make the second paragraph a concise summary of your fundraising story and goal. Bear in mind that this paragraph is generally what you communicate to your entire community. Let your potential donor know what motivated you to fundraise and why their support is crucial to your success. Social media is a great way to connect with potential donors, since many popular networks such as Facebook and Twitter are frequented by them. This enables your fundraiser story to reach far and wide, beyond your close community. • Add quality, compelling, and engaging images and videos to your page whenever you post. It can help to bring your story to life. • Attract attention to your fundraiser by incentivizing the sharing of your campaign. Running a contest can generate buzz and awareness of your fundraiser. It could be a referral contest, where the person gets a prize for referring 5 people who donate $20 or

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