The importance of Community Involvement

557 Words2 Pages

Maple High School students should be required to complete forty community service hours in order to graduate, resulting in student success in the form of community involvement. Students make amazing volunteers because they are energetic, enthusiastic and actually have the time to volunteer compared to adults. When students are in the process of completing their community service hours they are gaining a lot of experience, which is a valuable asset. During this process they are also being exposed to public and different environments that will help that adapt to the so-called “real” world. Community involvement will benefit students in many ways. Students have the energy and enthusiasm to make great volunteers with the amount of time they have. In comparison to adults, students do not have large liabilities on them; they do not have to work everyday to support a family in most cases. Students have more time and fewer liabilities than adults. With the right guidance, students will be dedicated enough to perfect any given job. Students are like machines that need to be operated properly....

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