Honor Society Research Paper

501 Words2 Pages

In many ways, I was not expecting the honor of being asked to join Alpha Beta Kappa. Though I did set goals for my first quarter of school, I did not expect myself to maintain those goals for the quarter let alone to maintain those goals several times throughout my academic career. After doing some research on the honor society, I have learned that to be considered for membership one must demonstrate the qualities of academic achievement, leadership, character, and dedication. To be asked to join it shows that I have achieved my personal goals to work as diligent as I possibly can to stand out among the many students that attend The Art Institute of Phoenix. Throughout my years at The Art Institute of Phoenix, I have always made great efforts to achieve or obtain the best possible grades. I have maintained a presence on the honor roll in one form or another, and I earned a commendable grade point average of at least a 3.8 or better every quarter. Though grades play a large part of the academic achievement, I also believe the quality of the work done also plays a part. The quality of the work not only shows that you care about what you are doing, but that you strive to always do better. …show more content…

Though I may not have played a leadership role in the school itself, I do maintain a leadership role outside of school. I work hard to teach and show proper work ethic in my part time job as a team leader. In order to achieve the position, you must show leadership capabilities. The job requires you to oversee team members, settle conflicts with not only coworkers, but with guests as well, and help management maintain a safe and clean workspace. I believe that leadership is not just one person, but a team effort and as such as a collective we work together to achieve the same

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