Teacher Leadership Philosophy

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I believe a teacher leader is an individual who takes on additional leadership responsibilities on their campus. They are teachers who take charge, whether that means mentoring those who are new to the profession, or helping to develop a school climate that promotes continuous learning and improvement. Teacher leaders are ambassadors for the campus. They share the school’s vision and positively promote that vision whenever possible. The role and responsibilities of a teacher leader is simple; they must be a leader. They must be individuals who are respected among other teachers. Without the respect of their peers, teacher leaders will have little, if any, impact on campus performance. In order to be effective, teacher leaders must have …show more content…

I am an ambassador for my school, continually promoting the positive learning experiences happening on our campus through social media. I believe my ability to network through various social media outlets is one aspect that makes me a strong teacher leader. I am not only encouraging collaboration among teachers on my campus, but through the use of social networks, I am fostering collaboration on the national level. Additionally, I model life long learning by continually seeking opportunities to deepen my content knowledge and pedagogical expertise. Obtaining my masters degree is just one example of how I have been pursuing ongoing learning. I frequently share the knowledge I have gained through this experience with teachers as a way to encourage them to continually seek new learning opportunities. Perhaps the most important quality I possess, and the one that will make me an effective teacher leader, is my gift of public speaking. I have this innate ability to command a room. Many people say I got this trait from my father, and I must say, being an instructional coach and conducting professional development weekly, it has definitely come in

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