Creative Writing: My Hero's Journey

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Breath, taken for granted every second of everyday. It just happens, breathe in breathe out. Anything can be taken away in an instant. Eka a twenty three year old student has his first vacation since he started college to become a tectonic plate scientist. With his mother, papa, two sisters, and a newborn baby boy. His mother working as a travel nurse and his papa working for a construction company, they can afford little excursions like this. As they started to pack their bags the two sisters started fighting about a boy. Eka as usual had to intervene and ask who the hell that boy was. As a loving and protective brother would he asked if he had to take care of any business with this boy. His mother then interrupted them saying that they needed …show more content…

He covered her eyes. It was silent until that sound came again. Only as they stayed still trying to listen to that same noise. It was interpreted differently. He knew what was happening then. With all of the power out they couldn’t see a thing. Which meant that the engine was off. Eka started to have a panic attack feeling the ship move down. The water noise was the water rushing into the game room rapidly. All Eka had to do was be there for his only sister now and get the both of them out before that ship becomes a graveyard for them. Finding the stairs they climbed all the way as fast as they could up onto the deck to access what the hell just happened. It was stunning; they were sinking on what’s left of the dock they started at. The bathrooms were completely gone. Everything was under water. It took a couple of hours before the water finally receded. The only two rooms that were flooded was the dining and arcade room. An hour before that they checked in the flooded dining room to find their parents and the baby. All there was was blood and a binkie. No one was left alive on the docks and there was no help for Eka and his sister. Eka’s sister shortly passed after due to an infected injury. On the fifth day Eka was looking for a place to die when he saw the helicopter land right in front of him. They searched everything and anything to find any survivors. They found the poor baby in a tight airspace and miraculously was alive! The baby was about to die of starvation. It turns out that the mother was on the dock when the wave hit. She screamed to her husband to protect the baby. She was flung off the ferry never to be found. He husband died on impact. Eka looked at the devastation along the coastline. This tidal wave became the biggest and worst one yet. Caused by a 10-magnitude earthquake seventy miles away from the

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