Summary: A Wall Of Ice And The Titanic

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“A Wall of Ice and the Titanic”

Before the Titanic crashed into an iceberg at April 15, 1912, Frederick Fleet and Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe were patrolling the Titanic at April 10, 1912, the passengers, John Jacob Astor, Henry Sleeper Harper, Robert W. Daniel, And Clarence Moore of Washington, with their dogs. The baker, Walter Belford, serving pastries. Firemen were watching the boiler room. It was a very calm and cold night, trying to get to France, Ireland, then New York, then return. Suddenly, while the Titanic was going on its major voyage, the iceberg crashed into the Titanic.

When the Titanic got struck by an iceberg, bells and alarms suddenly went off. The Firefighters ran for safety as ice falls down. "Turn off the engines." The captain said. "Yes sir," the firemen said. “Turn on the lights for rescue ships!” the captain said. The first and second class didn’t care, and were very calm, but people in the third class panicked, trying to get higher up the ship. “You can’t cross,” a guard said. “Why not!?” a lady shouted. “You are in the third class; you cannot progress to the second class or first.” The guard said. As people in the third class argued, people from the first and second class evacuated to get out of the Titanic escape rafts. …show more content…

When the guards aren't looking at the third class, they broke the gate and them ran to the rafts, but there aren't any more rafts. “What are we going to do?” the crowd said. “Get back to your third class!” guards yelled. Everyone found some more rafts and left but only 4 people were left remaining. “Boom! Crash!” the Titanic slowly sinks to the sea. The captain with their firemen and their baker in a raft, evacuating the Titanic. “What are we going to do?” A lady said. A man jumped into the sea as he thought he can swim on the cold sea. ” We are never going to make it out alive!” People

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