A View From The Bridge Chapter 2 Summary

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Clayton and his friends started out on a voyage trying to cross the mediterranean sea. They were sightseeing, diving, snorkeling, and having the time of their lives when all of the sudden they realized that straight in front of them was a huge rock in the middle of the sea. One of Clayton’s friends, Terry, rushed to the captain's deck and said “YOUR HEADED STRAIGHT FOR A ROCK TURN THE BOAT NOW”. The captain then said, “ We are to close to turn the boat another way, everyone on board is going to have to brace for impact.” Clayton, after hearing what the captain had to say, bolted up the stairs and onto the mail deck and screamed to everyone to put their life jackets on and brace for impact. The next thing you know, the boat crashed into the rock and the whole boat exploded jolting Clayton along with all of his friends in opposite directions out into the sea. Clayton woke up a few hours later staying afloat on a piece of wood that broke off of the boat. He was feeling hopeless because he saw no sign of anyone else around him. He tried calling for help, but there …show more content…

He looked so unhealthy that you would of thought he was on his deathbed. He knew he had to get food somehow, and the only way to get food on a deserted island is to hunt for it. Clayton found a fallen tree and broke a stick off of it. He sharpened it so he would be able to use it as a weapon to hunt with. After walking around in the ocean for hours looking for fish, he finally decides to give up. Just as he has given up, he sees a banana tree with tons of bananas on it so he threw his stick at the tree and knocked a few of the bananas from the tree. He knew that he could not just live off off bananas forever, so he decided to go hunt animals with his spear he had made. Clayton had no idea whether there was even any animals on the island but was so determined to and find one to kill. Yet again, he came back empty

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