Mary Celeste: Why Was Her Crew Missing?

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The Mystery of the Mary Celeste

Nobody knows what happened to the infamous ship Mary Celeste, of which was found on the 5th of December in 1872 without a soul on board. No bodies, no damage to the ship, no letter saying where the crew had gone, it was as if the crew had just disappeared. On a brisk winter morning, the crewman aboard the ship Dei Grata spotted something odd in the distance. As they got closer they saw that it was but a windswept vessel, floating in the currents, no one seemingly onboard. The crew attempted hailing the ship several times, but there was no reply. They rowed over to the ship, expecting to find the drunken crew below decks, and began to search it, but there wasn't a soul on board. The funny thing was, all the …show more content…

The ship wasn't damaged in any way and there had been no signs of a fire or struggle. There was a thick rope hanging over the side of the ship, the other end of it broken and missing, the lifeboat was gone as well. Over a thousand barrels of raw alcohol were found in the cargo hold. What had happened here? Why was the crew missing? That is the mystery of the Mary Celeste, which still stands today. No one had been able to solidly and completely prove what has exactly happened. One of the most plausible theories as for where the crew had gone is the 'abandoning ship' theory. Perhaps the crew feared the alcohol barrels might have exploded and decided to abandon ship in a hurry. After they got into the lifeboat they might have not been able to get back on the ship again. Perhaps pirates attacked the crew, mutiny might have occurred; maybe a seaquake shook the ship? A great number of theories have been made about the Mary Celeste, and in this essay I will discuss the pros and cons of each one to …show more content…

I found researching the Mary Celeste entertaining because I am very interested in nautical mysteries and the ocean so I felt this would be a good mystery for me. After considering all of the theories, I believe the alcohol fireball one was the most likely. Considering that there was no damage to the ship, I assume it wouldn't have been a seaquake or storm. Since there were valuables, food and water left on the ship it means that they were not robbed and had not planned to leave. As the scholar's experiment proved, alcohol can make a fireball without scorching its surroundings, which is what I believe, happened. The lifeboat was missing and the broken rope hung over the edge, signifying that they got into it and tied themselves to the boat, but the rope broke. It all works in the first theories favor! Then again, it is impossible to know what exactly happened to the infamous ghost ship Mary

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