Caritas Australi Living Out The Eucharist

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Intro How would you feel if this was you? Embarrassed, disadvantaged and unable to get an education because you are disabled. Wouldn’t you appreciate all the help you can get? “blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”. This is a beatitude found in the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus taught this thousands of years ago but it is still relevant to this day for the lives of all; teaching and encouraging us to live out the Eucharist and reach out to people in need. Education is one of the most significant issues we are facing in today’s society. Although many countries have signed the UDHR and organisations like Caritas Australia have tried to combat the issue, many don’t have access to this essential right. Statistics …show more content…

Caritas Australia is a catholic based organisation that lives out the eucharist by helping combat many issues. One of which is education. The battle for the right of education has been highlighted as a highly seminal issue. This is due to the fact that without education, not only will the future generations not have the capability to make beneficial and clever decisions but it causes life for uneducated people to become extremely hard. Particularly in developing countries where many are unaware of diseases, their human rights and how to make money for a living leading to higher rates of poverty. This is especially affecting disabled people because many don’t have the capacity to be independent or have the ability to learn these things without the help of trained people. Caritas fights for this cause by training teachers, supporting parents and providing other educational supplies and stationery for schools in need, particularly ones with high rates of disabled students. An example of this is conveyed in their works in Laos, where they commenced programs to aid disabled lao children in the democratic republic. Caritas has helped build the capacity of families and teachers to effectively care for, educate and lobby on behalf of children with a disability. They have also worked with parents and teachers towards providing consistency in areas of behaviour …show more content…

Mary Mackillop devoted her life to helping people most in need. In 1866 she opened the first school in penola, South Australia. She saw that many children were forced into labour due to financial shortages and wanted to educate the children to help them have a better future. The school was open to all disregarding the distinctions of society that were present at the time. “God still loves the world and he sends you and me to be his love and his compassion to the poor”, as Blessed mother teresa said links to the works of Mary Mackillop as she saw a need in her society and did something to combat it just as we are all called to do. The beatitude, “Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy” also represents the incredible works of Mary Mackillop as she catered for those who are poor and showed mercy causing her to be an example for all christians today. Although Mary Mackillop has passed away many years ago, her legacy is still present today as the sisters of st Joseph continue working to educate disadvantaged children all over Australia by teaching and supporting schools, children and their parents in attempt to provide a brighter future for them. People can support this cause through similar ways to Caritas Australia. Raising awareness, fundraising, or volunteering through the centers of the sister of St Joseph raising money and awareness by assisting in their

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