Homelessness Case Study

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A current social justice issue that is faced in our world today is people experiencing homelessness; this issue is a main focus in the Catholic Church.
Themes of Catholic Social Teaching, such as the Dignity of the Human Person further ensures why they are mainly focused on, due to the belief that each and every person are made in the image of God and is to be treated equally with freedom and dignity. This means that you and your neighbour, whether they are homeless or not, are to be seen as the children of God and are to be treated as such. This teaching sees these people that are “homeless” not just as a person who is without a home but also as a person experiencing stages homelessness and are to be treated with the same views and rights as any other person. By understanding the Human Rights each person is entitled to their rights in justice, rather than simply in charity.

Another theme of Catholic Social Teaching is the theme of The Common Good. This theme ensures that no sections of the population is excluded and have the right to benefit from the welfare of the community; this applies on a local, national and international level for people who are marginalized such as people experiencing homelessness. This is therefore linked to the ideas of human dignity and human development, making them the fundamental aim of all societies. Seen from the point of view of Catholic Social Teaching the idea of distribution is based on the genuine love of freedom and desire to spread this freedom to people who are experiencing homelessness and are able to gain such benefits from the community around them.

Another key theme that is linked to both the Dignity of The Human Person and The Common Good is the theme of Subsidiarity. This theme ...

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...he times, but also to Christians to help strive for international Justice.

We as individuals alongside the Catholic Church play a crucial role in being able to make a difference in not only the lives of people experiencing homelessness but also to the lives of people who are more disregarded in society. The Catholic Church already undertakes many charity works and distributing of goods to help those around us but with the supporting help of communities and us as individuals we are able to reinforce this idea to help create a stronger more equal society. As individuals we are able to strengthen these ideas through things such as participating in charity works that are being held and giving a helping hand to those around us but a key form of difference we are able to make is mainly by educating those around us about the social justice issues that surround us daily.

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