Principal Beliefs Of Christianity In Pope Francis Urbi Et Oerbi

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A principal belief of Christianity is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This belief can be understood across the Christian tradition through the celebration of Easter. Catholics believe that Jesus’ death was important in destroying sin and giving humanity an opportunity for eternal life and hope; ‘God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.’ (Romans 8:3-4) This scripture reference can be understood in Pope Francis’ Easter message in ‘Urbi et Oerbi’. Pope Francis uses the example of the image of the grain of the wheat; ‘It is the power of the grain of wheat, the power of that love which humbles itself and gives itself to the very end, and thus truly renews the world.’ Catholics believe that Christ’s resurrection brings hope to the world and this is lived out through the Relief and Rehabilitation’ program by ‘Caritas Australia’. They help restore the livelihood of people who have been forced to flee their homes by providing them with funds and resources, bringing hope and joy to these people. …show more content…

The death of God is seen as ‘a rescue mission’ where his death destroyed the sins of humanity. Jesus’ resurrection represents him in a new and glorious in, “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive; but every man in his own order: Christ the first-fruits: afterward they that are in Christ’s at His coming” (I Corinthians 15:22-23) A tradition which demonstrates this principal belief is seen in the Easter mass which involves candles. The congregation hold unlit white candles while the Priest brings out the Holy Light chanting the words, “Christos Anesti’ (Christ is risen). The flame is passed from person to person until the congregation is filled with light. The ritual of lighting the candles symbolises Jesus’ resurrection as a sign of hope/joy and represents Jesus as the source of eternal

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