Artificial Intelligence: The Causes Of Artificial Intelligence

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As Artificial intelligence, abbreviated as AI, becomes more and more complex, so do the concerns and stigma surrounding it. AI is defined by Merriam-Webster (n.d.) as "the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior." Between Siri, Spotify and Amazon suggestions, and spam filters on e-mail services, AI has already worked itself in our everyday lives. As AI progresses, we can see it used in self-driving vehicles, taking over tedious human jobs, or as a companion in life. AI worries many everyday people and well-educated scientists. Many worry that AI will somehow take over humanity and the media's portrayal of advanced AI only inflames this fear. Many scientists believe that if AI does take over, it won't be in the traditional …show more content…

All true and well, but that will not stop someone from programming AI to be evil. Humans are mean beings, a fact of life. When humans have access to something as powerful as Ai, nothing stand in their way of programming AI to carry out their dirty work. If you do not fear AI suddenly turning evil, worry about your fellow human programming AI to be evil. Even if someone does not program AI to be evil, that does not mean that Ai will not have negative consequences. If Ai’s goals are not directly aligned with ours, something could go majorly wrong. For example, if Ai is told to get rid of cancer, AI could very well just kill the entire human race. There would not be any more cancer, but that’s not what the goal was. Ai’s goals will have to be precisely aligned with their programmers, or it could mean a tragic end of …show more content…

Life assistants such as Siri and Cortana are AI. You merely ask these devices questions or tell them commands, and they will answer or carry put you wish. Easy! Some cars already have features powered by AI, such as advanced highway options and parking features. These functions use AI to analyze the surroundings and come to a reasonable conclusion about how to maneuver the vehicle. So far, the everyday pieces of AI haven't turned evil, but they have simply made life more relaxed on the day to day. There is no evidence to support advanced AI will suddenly turn evil, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride into advanced

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