Argumentative Essay: Why Should School Start Later?

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Are you tired? Can you not seem to stay awake during class? Well, this is why school should start later. According to the for the first time, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouringing education policymakers to start middleschool and highschool classes later in the morning. This is happening because both teens and kids cannot seem to put their full potential forward academically and physically, while being sleep deficient. According to the Center for Disease control kids should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Both the CDC and National Pediatricians Group said that lack of sleep can lead to higher chances of obesity, and depression, and higher risk of car accidents in teens, as well as lower quality of life. Head of the CDC …show more content…

According to the, in more than 40 states, at least 75% of schools start earlier than 8:30. Researchers in the University of Minnesota said that over 9,000 students from 8 different high schools in both Minnesota and Wyoming, found that shifting the school start time improved the students in many different ways. Such as, better attendance, higher test scores in all subjects, and a huge decrease in tardiness. Most importantly there was a decrease in teen car accidents. “Students are bordered on pathologically sleepy”said professor Carskadon. Carskadon and his group of researchers found out that students that showed up to the morning classes that start around 7:20 required the students to be awake at times which ran against their “ internal clocks”. More than half of the 10th grade students get less than 7 hours of sleep, which already below what is recommended. Medical writer Terra Snider explains why it is hard for schools to change. Getting school systems to change takes more than just scientific evidence, says Terra. Schools also are afraid of what the parents will say about timing and

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