Animal Testing

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At first glance, animal testing may seem innocent enough, but a glance under the surface shows the real horror behind it. Animals everyday are subjected to cruel and unusual torture, things that we would never allow humans to be subjected to. Many ask why this has been societies modus operandi for so long, having been made unaware to the general public. Supporters of this testing say they are protecting humans from what the drug might contain if not first tested on animals. So why would we make these poor animals get the side effects of these products. Animal testing for products is not only cruel, but inhumane and very ineffective. The test subjects used in animal testing are often subjected to cruel treatment. Some of these procedures include forced inhalation, infliction of burns, killing by asphyxiation, killing by decapitation, food and water deprivation, electric shocks, and even more horrible things. If these were placed out of context, they would sound awful to most people. So why is it that when it is revealed that animals were the victims it is suddenly alright? ...

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