animal experimentation

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Animal Experimentation
Imagine if your pet was getting experimented on for a product you might buy in the future. Would anyone really want that product, your pet was in pain because of it? Animals are getting experimented on for products to get released to the public. Some companies are using vitro researching to test their products but not enough companies are using vitro as their form of testing products. Synthetic skin could reduce the amount of animals getting tested on everyday for companies to release new products to the public. Animals are getting experimented on everyday.
Animals are getting experimented on for products. Animals are getting affected everyday by this problem. They are getting experimented on to see if a product is safe for human beings to use. Medical schools in the United States have stopped using animals for their needs in training.(Driscoll and Finley) In 1983, 150 baboons had to be removed from the University of Pennsylvania Head Injury Clinic for brain damage. (Driscoll and Finley) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Animal Liberation Front removed the baboons from the clinic. (Driscoll and Finley) The results of the experiments are not even that accurate. Nutrition experiments on animals are very inaccurate. PCRM published the article “An Examination of Animal Experiments” that stated “Nutrition is another area where animal experiments have raised repeated problems. While it is easy to feed vitamins, fat, or fiber to animals and to check whether their disease rates rise or fall, the relevance to humans is limited at best, due to major physiological differences between species.” People and organizations, such as PETA and the Humane Society of the United States(HSUS), have been...

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Driscoll, Sally and Laura Finley. “Animal Experimentation: An Overview.”Points Of View: Animal Experimentation (2013): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 6 Feb. 2014
“An Examination of Animal Experiments.” Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. .
League, Animal Defense. “Policy Statement on Animal Research.” Civil Rights in America. Woodbridge, CT: Primary Source Media, 1999. American Journey.Student Resources in Context. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.
“Respect for life.” Pamphlet by: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 2000. Student Resources in Context. Web. 9 Feb. 2014

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