The Wonderfil Life Of Zulu People

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The Wonderful Life of the Zulu People Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 Chapter I “Women are extremely valuable in society” 5 Chapter II “Ancestors are the source of power” 8 Chapter III “Rite Of Passage” 10 Conclusion 12 Introduction The African continent is home to many different religious traditions. The ancient Egyptians were one of the first civilizations formed in Egypt. Records show the Egyptians have been around since 3100 B.C.E. The Egyptians era had a long influenced on African cultures that spread to other sections of the continent. Some of the great advances in African culture and technology diffused from Egypt. Egypt was one of the earliest places in Africa to develop agriculture, to produce African urban centers, states and kingdoms, and to evolve complex technologies. One culture that gained from Egypt’s development in agriculture is the Zulu people. The Zulus are members of the Bantu people of southwest Africa. They have occupied much of the country before the seventeenth century. The Zulu strongly believe in three major things and they are: women are extremely valuable in society because, all human life passes though their bodies, the ancestors are the source of power and the souls of the people since, they know what is happening among the people and can help them and the rite of passage are moments of great religious importance in each person’s life. These are all examples of how Zulu people are very well-known for their traditions and rituals. The Zulu people have well-thought-out patterns of individual and family. Chapter I Women are extremely valuable in society The life of women is very different than the life of a man. This begins from the day they are born until the day they die. A female baby is washed in warm water all the way up until they are four months old where as a boy is only washed in warm water until he reaches three months. When girls are still tiny they are treated with gentleness, affection, and patience and both men and women no matter older or younger will leave any task to look after a female baby who is crying.

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