Romantic Love Compared To Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo + Juliet is a film that is adapted from William Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet. It is a film about two lovers who are a part of different households that severely hate each other. The hate between the two households results in conflict and chaos. Additionally one of the lovers must make a bold choice when she must find a way to escape the marriage that she does not want to partake in.
The major dramatic question posed is, will Romeo and Juliet ever be able to together? This is answered at the end of the film when Juliet fakes her own death in order to avoid marrying Paris. Romeo finds her and believes her to be dead. In turn, Romeo seals “a righteous kiss” on Juliet and takes poison. Sadly, Juliet was in the process of waking, but it is too late. Romeo dies, and Juliet, overcome with grief, shoots herself in the head. Sadly they did not end up together but did die together. Romeo and Juliet are …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet engage in a love so passionate that they ignore the fact that they are supposed to be rivals. They are even willing to betray their families. For example, Juliet states if she should “deny thy father and refuse thy name.” She is willing to give up being a Capulet in order to be with Romeo. Another theme is love often is a cause of violence. Throughout the film, there are many instances that the main characters threaten or actually partake in violence because of their love. For example, when Romeo is banished, he threatens to kill himself because he is not able to be with his love anymore. Additionally, when Juliet is forced to marry Paris she responds with, “If all else fail, myself have the power to die. She is so furious that she will not be able to be with her true love that she would rather die than be without him. At the end of the film, their love is so strong that they kill themselves in order to be together. They cannot stand to live in a world without their love that they would rather

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