Love's Tragic Consequences: Analyzing Romeo and Juliet

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Love is dependent upon the slightest change, but it can cause the utmost drastic consequences. This is the truth of two lovers in William Shakespeare’s furthermost celebrated play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, love is inimical. Romeo comes from the family of Montague while Juliet comes from the family of Capulet. For reasons unknown, these two families are sworn enemies. However, Romeo and Juliet are not. In fact, they are in a secret relationship that only two others know about. The only two that Romeo and Juliet trust, the Nurse and the Friar. While the Nurse, Friar, and Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet, all have good intentions, they are all responsible for the suicides of Romeo and Juliet in the …show more content…

He did this by yelling at Juliet screaming, “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, or never after look me in the face. Speak not. Reply not. Do not answer me. My fngers itch. – Wife, we scarce thought us blest that God had lent us but this only child, but now I see this one is one too much and that we have a curse in having her. Out on her, hilding!” (III, V, 160-168). Lord Capulet accosted Juliet because he was extremely angry for her not wanting to marry Paris. However, by doing this, Juliet needed to find a way out of the wedding; she would not acquiesce and marry Paris, it could not be anyone but Romeo. Capulet further threatened Juliet saying, "An you be mine, I 'll give you to my friend; And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets," (V, 3, ln. 191-192). By saying this Capulet threatened rejection from him forever, which terrified Juliet so much that she would rather kill herself than be …show more content…

The friar is responsible for marrying Romeo and Juliet among assisting Juliet in faking her death. Lord Capulet is responsible for forcing Juliet to marry Paris, and threatening her if she didn’t. Finally, the nurse is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, since she encouraged Juliet to get married and waited too long to stop her and convince her to just marry Paris. All three of these characters were responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths because if one had not done their part, Romeo and Juliet might have had a much happier

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