Othello Courtly Love Analysis

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“The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice” is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, roughly around 1603. “Othello” is said to based on the story “Un Capitano Moro” which translates to A Moorish Captain by Cinthio. Both the concept of the courtier and courtly love were firmly established in literature and etiquette in and around Shakespeare 's time which he uses to great effect in his play “Othello.” In Othello, a major part of the story is the concept of the courtier and of courtly love. The concept of the courtier and courtly love plays a strong role in the Shakespeare 's play “Othello” as it describes interactions between Cassio, Desdemona, and Othello; the unfamiliarity of Othello to such customs created animosity within him and …show more content…

Courtly love originally was a literary concept that was popular among medieval nobles and later became more widespread among the populace. They 're are roughly nine stages of courtly love: attraction to the lady showed by glances/gazing, worship of the lady from afar by means of praise, declaration of passionate devotion, virtuous rejection by the lady, renewing with oaths of virtue and eternal fealty, despair of approaching death from unreturned desire, heroic deeds of bravery to win the lady 's heart, consummation of secret love, and endless adventures and subterfuges to avoid discovery. (Tuchman) Several of these can be clearly seen in “Othello.” Courtly love is closely linked with chivalry which acted like a moral code for knights. Chivalry was a set of guidelines that an ideal knight should strive for, beliefs such as loving one 's own country, to defend the weak, to never to flee from the enemy, and to be a champion for right and “Good” against “Injustice and Evil.” But more importantly codes that play a key role in the ideal that is courtly love in the Code of Chivalry are to be well-mannered, respectful of others, and to be honorable. In essence courtly love can be summed up into certain acts of chivalry and nobility by the practitioners. As a result during the high middle ages courtly love was said to have developed into actual etiquette and was practiced within (high) society. However there are historians …show more content…

Another key element that was used was courtly love, where Shakespeare mocks by how he wrote the interactions between Othello and Desdemona. After further researching the term courtly love and the concept of the courtier, it confirmed my original understanding of the interactions between Cassio and Desdemona; which can likened to that of a lady and her knight of that of who hold no actual desire for physical romance between them. As well as added more depth in how the relationship between Othello and Desdemona and how it may have formed. The story of “Othello” can be truly said to be a tragedy, but many lessons can be learnt from

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