An Analysis Of Speech In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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As for Act III, Scene I, this scene starts off in a room within the castle, where King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern are in play. To start thinking off, King Claudius had asked Rosencrantz and Guildenstern if they had found any sort of information that they can use to find out what is wrong with Hamlet. Though gentlemanly, the two sadly did not have much information to figure out what is wrong with Hamlet, due to his cryptic questions and answers. If anything, they do know now that he is truly insane. However, they were able to reveal that when he was told about the players’ arrival, he felt excited, and actually wishes to the King and Queen come to the play, in which they would. After that, the
To summarize this famous speech, he basically asks the famous question if it is better to live or die. To bring in a comparison, he compares death as sleep, in which doesn’t seem that bad when you think about it. Not only that, but he also believed that we would escape a lot of suffering, such as love. However, the catch is that we may end you have dreams, more specifically a nightmare. And having those nightmares wouldn’t be pleasurable, thus stating that it may be better just to put up with the bad things you know about in life than to die. However, at that time, Hamlet then spotted Ophelia reading book, thus ending his speech. The two begin to have a small conservation, and then Ophelia took action. She had tried to return some letters that Hamlet had written to her when they were hanging out. However, Hamlet’s reaction was a surprise to her as he claimed that he never gave her anything. After that, he began to ask her the question that if she was honest and beautiful, and so, then she should be wary. As he claimed, beauty corrupts honesty, in which a great puzzle for him to finally solve this was revealing that he indeed loved her once, but was a lie. However, things got way worse as he stated men should have no place in the world, for they are all criminals, as well as giving advice onto locking her father in. She began to pray to
At first, I didn’t really expect much as they continued to spy on Hamlet and see what the cause of his condition is. Only this time they were going to use Ophelia as volunteered bait, which would have seemed strange, but then I remember she is the daughter of Polonius, always sucking up to the king just for his own gain. However that is not was makes this play so depressing, in my opinion. In fact, it was because of Hamlet’s actions and speech that made it so depressing. For one, he gives off a famous speech in which debated on whether it is better to life or die. And yet, I believe the conversation with Ophelia was even worse. Knowing that they both clearly love each other, this felt very heartbreaking as Hamlet basically dissed on Ophelia. In a way, I can actually feel this sort of sadness as my girlfriend recently broke up with me. Even though it wasn’t a long term relationship, I will say that she was my first girlfriend I ever had and the first that broke up with me. Sure that’s life for you, but still, it was heartbreaking, and that’s what I believe Ophelia had felt. However, even though it may have ended in a bleak way, I am a person who still thinks that it isn’t too late for the two to be a thing. Nevertheless, time can only tell, and all I can do is like Ophelia, and

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