Wealthy Nations Should Be Required To Share Wealth Among Poorer Nations Case Study

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The process of globalization has been spreading across the world during the last several decades, and as a result, the gap between developed and developing countries has become more noticeable and serious. The world includes nearly two hundred countries, only twenty of them are considered to be the most economically developed, and the rest of the nations have slow development or exist below the poverty line. In the world where every human should have the same rights as another, the great imbalance of incomes, education, medical care and even variety of food provision between different nations says about people’s inequality. That is why wealthy nations should be required to share their wealth among poorer nations in order to stop hunger, diseases, …show more content…

This opinion tries to prove that such help does developing countries a great disservice and they will accustom themselves to an easy way of getting the provision. However, this thesis is wrong since it considers the popularity of poor nations as slothful and infirm people who in addition do not want to make their lives better. The truth is that such nations just have no opportunity to develop rapidly and successfully; they do not have enough natural resources and money for developing. Therefore, it is not about poor nations’ unwillingness to prosper, it is about their inability to do …show more content…

The famous proverb says that by giving a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but by teaching a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. In the case with poor nations it means that if rich countries give food and provision every time the destitute countries ask them for it, it really will not bring productive results. However, if the wealth nations provide poor nations with proper education, accessible medicine and basic technologies, citizens of these countries will start to benefit the government and the whole society – they will be health and educated enough to work, and moreover, they will have the necessary devices (technology) for the productive work. And this is how the further economic growth of the poor countries will be gained, and it will be the wealthy nations’ merits. In turns, it will create a positive image for a wealthy nation, which decided to share its wealth and put the poor nation on its feet: “When wealthy people give away money, we always say that they are doing it to ease their consciences or generate favorable publicity” (Singer “What Should a Billionaire Give – and What Should You?”). That is why sharing of wealth is very important both for developing and developed

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