Why Is Academic Honesty Important

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It’s Monday, August 5th, and our teacher just assigned a 3-page essay. She gives us one week to complete our essay and she hands out the rubric and explains what’s expected of us. It’s now Sunday, August 11, and I just opened my folder and realized I hadn’t begun any of my essay that is due tomorrow morning at 8am. As I shift back and forth through my notebook and laptop I begin to panic because my ideas aren’t coming together so, I turn to the internet to complete my paper. Every student has felt this last-minute rush to get everything completed in time, but this can be a death trap. This paper will discuss why plagiarism is bad and why academic honesty is important. What is Plagiarism? Most students would say that plagiarism is when you copy another person’s work and even use their work as their own. But using terms like “copy” is a way of disguising the seriousness of the issue. To plagiarize means to steal and pass off others ideas as your own, to present a new and original idea from an existing …show more content…

Academic honesty just means that you are using your own thoughts and ideas when you are in a class, taking a test, or writing a paper. Academic honesty incorporates the assumption that the students work is authentic and original. Specifically, when words and ideas of others are used in the work it must be properly acknowledged. Academic honesty is important because it helps the student create trust with their professor. Positive habits are also developed for future employment. When you cheat, or plagiarize you are risking your grades and a possible expulsion. College education is important and it is meant to help students refine their skills and knowledge for a more prosperous career and life. Academic honesty is in place so that students can receive proper criticism on their work from their professor. If you choose to cheat, then you just loose the opportunity to have some valuable feedback and

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