Social Deviance In Society

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In our society today we define deviance as any behavior or physical appearance that is socially condemned because it violates from the norms and expectations of some groups in which it occurs. So therefore any behavior or appearance that does not conform to social norms and is dissapproved of by the majority of the people will result in being considered a deviant act whether its criminal or non criminal. There are plenty of reasons why people commit crimes and/or deviant acts in our society but I believe there are those who do it because they choose to and those who feel like they need to in order to survive. Sociologist destinguish between two types of deviance, formal deviance is a behavior that breaks laws and/or official rules in a society …show more content…

For exapmle, in our society piercings and tattoos are judged by many to be seen as socially deviant even though to some groups in that same society they are seen as fashionable and in other countries they are seen as norms not deviant behavior/appearances. As well as cultural norms like in the muslim communities it is a norm to belch after finishing your plate, not only is it not seen as a negative remark but it is seen as the meal being a delicacy and a compliment to the cook, while here in the United States that action would be seen as disgusting, a deviant action, to most of the people in this society. There are non criminal deviant acts such as your appearance, dressing in clothing influenced by the hip hop culture or 'hood ', that are looked down upon by most people in our society and there is also criminal deviance acts, basically any action that would break a law set by the government, such as power crimes like enviromental polution and unethical business practices. Deviance exists in relation to what that society considers 'normal ' to the majority of the

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