“Whoever saves a life; saves the world entire”

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An individual’s life is extremely valuable to ones self regardless of the circumstances and there are no words to describe an existence of a human being. Purpose of an entity to exist is personal and depends on an individual of what they make of their life and which expectations to except from others if not they. Saving ones life is very crucial in a sense that it can go on to make an entire generation. Latter statement can be portrayed by a quote in the movie Schindler’s List which states that “Whoever saves a life; saves the world entire”. This quote was inscribed on the gold ring that 1100 Jews made for Schindler in appreciation. The gold came from a Jew’s gold tooth which had been melted and molded in the shape of a ring. One life can make an entire generation; Schindler Jews have multiplied over years from 1100 to 6000 in numbers. Schindler saved one life; one life can make an entire generation that it can look back on. Saving one life can save the world entire. In rabbinical saying this quote comes from the Oral Traditions written by the rabbis known as the Talmud. This quote has several meaning that one can define. In a sense, the following essay will define what this quote means to me, my family/community and to the world entire. Nowadays it’s normal for people to curse at their life and wished that they weren’t into existence. No matter how much it is told by a person to another that life is waste and not worth living, tables turn, and when lying on the death bed if not having a knife stuck down into your ribs lying in an empty alley knowing it is time to leave the world, many will wish that they should have lived their life following the right path and would trade anything for every breath they take. You will not be... ... middle of paper ... ...s that one can define. To me this quote means that saving one life can also save the world entire. Meaning one life is good enough to create a whole generation if not the world itself. Tracing back into one’s lineage, passing our great grandparents, passing our four fathers, all the way down to Adam and Eve both of them were two individuals with more or less similar characteristics but opposite sex. From Adam and Eve, billions of generations have been created with different background, shapes, religions, etc, which makes us respect the wonders of God and let’s us know that far down our lineage everyone arose from the same mother and the father and this racial violence in certain countries along with other racial issues that take place which do not get publicized need to stop and ponder on the fact how important is one’s life if not the existence of their own self.

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