White Ignorance And Black Ignorance

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White ignorance is a product of the epistemology of ignorance, which systematically supported socially induced patterns of understanding that works to sustain systematic oppression and privilege. Due to this, white people learn the world wrong but this warped perception will in turn be validated by white epistemic authority and white ignorance will feel like knowledge to those who benefit from this system. Mills also makes the clarification that white ignorance does not exclusively focus on overtly racist uneducated individuals but also educated well-meaning individuals as well. White ignorance, is a pervasive form of ignorance that is linked to white supremacy, and in which race plays a crucial, casual role (Mills 20). In order to fully define the idea of white ignorance, Mills breaks its down into 10 criteria; First, white ignorance did not exist in ancient times, he asserts that race/whiteness is a social construct of modern times; thus it came about to justify the treatment of non-whites in modern times. Second, it must be able to be distinguished from general patterns of ignorance that could be prevalent among white people for white race does not play a crucial role. Third, it can often times be hard to categorize specific instances of non-knowing as white ignorance or not. Fourth, this form of ignorance must fully encompass both straightforward racist motivation and impersonal social structural causation. This means that there can be white racism without white domination of POC being established or white domination of POC without all white people being racist at that specific time and place. Shows that in both instances WI can manifest both directly and indirectly. (21) Fifth, white ignorance is not exclusive to white people...

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...e both the perpetrator as well as the victim suffers epistemic disadvantages. Mills argues that the perpetrators are the ones who suffer a greater epistemic disadvantage, whilst Fricker argues the opposite claiming that is it the victim. In both arguments, the end game or the end goal, is to reach a level of self-awareness, in both parties, to understand the impact that these injustices and ignorance has on their life, to then find the words to voice his/her experiences, and in the case of white ignorance, consciously make an effort to start distancing oneself from any and all aspects of it. As a society we must being to acknowledge the structural implications of both hermeneutical injustice and white ignorance and the history of marginalizing socially powerless groups, has aided in the continued presence of both, which will continue until the status quo is changed.

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