Radley Balko's Article 'What You Eat Is Your Business'

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In his article “What You Eat Is Your Business,” Radley Balko emphasizes that we ought to be accountable with what we eat, and the government should not interfere with that. He declares that the state legislature and school boards are already banning snacks and soda at school campuses across the country to help out the “anti-obesity” measure. Radley claims that each individual’s health is becoming “public health” instead of it being their own problem. Balko also states, “We’re becoming less responsible for our own health, and more responsible for everyone else’s.” For instance, a couple of new laws have been passed for people to pay for others’ medicine. There is no incentive to eat right and healthy, if other people are paying for the doctor …show more content…

It shouldn’t be my problem whenever one cannot exercise and eat right. Yes, you can still go eat a cheeseburger at McDonalds every once in a while, but do not go and make a routine about it. While people are paying for others’ obesity, and heart problems for eating too much fast-food, it is not going to make them put down the cheeseburger. They will continue to eat as much unhealthy food as possible, because one does not appreciate it as much if they do not pay for it themselves. Most Americans are fat, and that’s a fact. Each and every one of us should only be accountable for our own unhealthy eating problems. It without a doubt should not be “public …show more content…

If one tries to manipulate kids, or even adults, into not eating junk food, when the opportunity does arise they will most likely chose the unhealthy version. It should be up to the parents on what their kids eat, and they should most definitely make them eat healthy, and foster healthy eating habits. Whenever those kids do grow up, it should then be their responsibility to eat healthy, and hopefully they will continue on eating healthy. That does not mean that they will though, but in the end they should learn their own way, and on their own time. This is American, it is a FREE country, so we should decide when and what we want to eat. It should also be our responsibly to take care of ourselves, and our bodies, and more important, our health. We cherish it more if we have to spend our own money on medical bills and medication. People need to realize if they want to eat out more than they eat in, they should exercise more regularly. All in all, consumers should have the right to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, because they should have to pay for their own medical supplies to keep themselves alive. If they want to slowly kill themselves by eating too much McDonalds, let them. If they have to money to keep buying unhealthy food, then they should have the money for all their medical

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