Essay About UNICEF

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What was the most surprising thing that you learned about your charities? About UNICEF, I expected that it was just responsible for focusing on the needs and rights of the child over the world. In fact, its aim was more than that it was also to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities. In instance, celebrating annually the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11 to highlight issues concerning the gender inequality facing young girls. In addition, the organization 's extent is much wider than I anticipated. For example: i) The organization is the largest buyer of mosquito nets procuring 25 million nets in 2006. ii) In …show more content…

What metrics would you like to see added or deleted from the charity navigator profile? I strongly courage the metrics used on charity navigator website which are Financial Performance Metrics and Accountability & Transparency Performance Metrics since they both reflect all information needed. To be more specific, Financial Performance Metrics is to “analyze a charity 's financial efficiency reveals how well it manages its finances day to day, and Charities that are financially efficient spend less money to raise more”. Also, their fundraising efforts stay in line with the scope of the programs and services they provide while the Accountability shows that “an obligation or willingness by a charity to explain its actions to its stakeholders, and the Transparency is “an obligation or willingness by a charity to publish and make available critical data about the organization.” As a result, after sowing the purposes of each metric, I believe that the metrics used on charity navigator is very useful enough. In my opinion, I would like to see the metrics of the consecutive two years in the same lists added instead of one year in terms of comparing the charities …show more content…

Charities are not required to report their resources by fund. The accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Net Assets. Net Assets are reported in three classes, which are different from the financial reporting for government. • Unrestricted net assets: the portion of net assets not temporarily or permanently restricted. (This category may include assets that previously were temporarily restricted, but the donor stipulation has been met, removing the restriction.) • Temporarily restricted net assets: the portion of net assets whose use is limited by donor-imposed restriction on the timing and-or purpose of use the donated resources. • Permanently restricted net assets: the portion of net assets whose use is limited by donor-imposed restriction that are permeant in nature-that is, restriction that cannot be fulfilled be either passage of time or by actions of the organization. What other group project did you think was the strongest? Provide reasons for your

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