Article Review Of Diane Ravitch's Change Of Heart

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Ravitch’s Change of Heart
When Congress enacted the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2001 I was 17 years old and a senior in high school. At that time the only thing NCLB meant to me was something about no one being alone at school. As I went through college and pursued my mathematics degree NCLB was mentioned here and there but nothing of big importance. It was not until I decided to become an educator and began taking education courses that I realized how important the NCLB act was. After nine years of teaching I decided to pursue a masters in school counseling and have read many articles concerning NCLB but none have captivated me more than Diane Ravitch ‘s article Why I Changed my Mind. Ravitch describes in her article how she began as an advocate for NCLB and how she ended up changing …show more content…

Roughly four years ago at the end of the school year everyone at my school gathered for our last day of in-service in the auditorium. The main topic of the meeting was that since our state test scores were so low the district was in the process of deciding on whether or not they were going to institute a teacher pay scale based on student growth and state test results. It goes without saying that mostly everyone in the auditorium was very upset including myself. According to Ravitch (2010) “judging teachers by test scores is wrongheaded because students’ scores are affected not only by what the teacher does but by such important factors as poverty, student motivation and family support” (p. 22). Another factor that would not make sense would be those teachers who teach advanced classes. Theoretically those are the “brighter” students and should perform better on state exams. You cannot compare these teachers to those who teach special education inclusion classes. The high school I work at also used to stop teaching the curriculum and begin

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