What defines a Human Being? The Criteria for Personhood

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What defines a Human Being? The Criteria for Personhood Every human being at one point or another ask themselves who they are. Some spend their whole lives trying to find an answer. Does asking such questions signify our humanity? And what does it mean to be human anyway? I used to think that a human being was someone who was born, had a mother and a father, and could make decisions for themselves about their life. This became invalid when I realized that newborn babies can’t make decisions about their lives until they are about two or three years old. My very simple perception would become even more complicated as I began exploring the moral issues of abortion and euthanasia. Many consider abortion morally reprehensible and do so because they think it is the killing of an innocent human being who has a right to life. I used to think that this was a weak argument because the fetus does not really become a human being until its mother gave birth to it. However, after learning the different stages of reproduction, I began to see why people considered abortion as killing. I began to wonder if abortion should be allowed at just any stage of the reproductive process and after what stage should it not be allowed. And what about cases where the female didn’t know she was pregnant until the third trimester and a partial birth abortion needs to be performed? Some claim partial birth abortions are the killing of a human person because the fetus has a heartbeat; brainwaves, lung, kidneys, and can move around and feel pain. I wondered if abortion in such a case should be allowed and if so, was it the killing of a human being? After much consideration, I came to the conclusion that life as we know it does not start at conception and th... ... middle of paper ... ...vant to medicine until Medical Ethics class. I always assumed that if someone wanted to die, they could do so without much effort, and never really considered the situations of people like Elizabeth Bouvia and Larry Mcafee. Likewise, I never really considered the situations of comatose patients like Terry Schiavo. To me, it is logical and rational for anyone in severe pain to want to end that pain. I think that if people are physically and mentally suffering, there is nothing wrong, it is in fact rational, with them wanting to end their life in hopes ending that misery and attaining peace. If being able to make decisions is a characteristic of being human, and the only choice we have is to live in misery, without the hope of ever getting better, and death, the decision of the individual between these choices should be respected based on the principle of Autonomy.

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