Werewolves: Fact or Fiction?

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Paranormal Activity

Paranormal activity is something that is beyond or equal to what is assumed to be scientifically possible. Paranormal activities are sometimes hard to believe because scientists sometimes lack physical evidence on what they’re trying to prove is true. It is difficult to find evidence because something cannot be proved as paranormal using scientific method. However, some scientists study the beliefs. Everyone have at least one paranormal activity that they may believe in because of what they have heard or watched on television. It’s really all in their head because there is no absolute way to know if what they believe in is true or false.

Description of Topic

The word werewolf means "man-wolf" and is most commonly used to describe a person who can change himself/herself into a wolf or some other animal (Horrorlady, 2014). Horrorlady (2014) stated that werewolves can be gentle, they are loyal among themselves, and they can both be good and bad. A recent study concluded that “The belief that man came from animals contributed to the werewolf legend” (Horrorlady, 2014). Horrorlady (2014) also stated that “Good werewolves were far fewer in numbers than evil ones. Most ordinary werewolves were changed against their will.” They became wolves by accident or because the Devil or someone else had forced them into it (Horrorlady, 2014). To recognize a werewolf, you looked at: the shape of the eyes, the eyebrows, fingernails, length of the index or third fingers, a half-moon shape or pentagram (five pointed star) mark on the body; in short, anything that was different from most of the people in the area (Horrorlady, 2014).

3 Accounts

Account 1

People rarely hear about others seeing any werewolves. ...

... middle of paper ...

.... This account also had an absolute different perspective of what they seen and how the werewolf presented itself. It contradicts too many stories that are already out about werewolves. All information was considered in this account.

Works Cited

Lady, H. (2014). History of Werewolves. Retrieved from Angelfire: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/ladyhorror/wolves.html

Lasantha. (2010, January 13). Werewolves reportedly sighted in Southern California. Retrieved from Weird Fresno : http://www.weirdfresno.com/2010/01/werewolf-sighted-in-southen-california.html

Sinpetru, L. (2014, February 19). Werewolf Reportedly Spotted in Town in Brazil. Retrieved from Softpedia: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Werewolf-Reportedly-Spotted-in-Town-in-Brazil-427869.shtml

Taylor, T. (2002). Unexplained America. Retrieved from Werewolves: http://www.prairieghosts.com/werewolves.html

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