The Welfare of Farm Animals Is Not So Well in Factory Farms

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The Welfare of Farm Animals Is Not So Well in Factory Farms
A few weeks ago, a couple of my friends and I went to eat hamburgers at a fast food restaurant; it was a very casual trip, without a thought about where any of the ingredients we were enjoying came from. A few days ago I went on a very similar trip, but in that time I had become very aware of an issue that I felt should be more thoroughly addressed and ultimately made me question the story behind the meat I was eating. The ethical treatment of farm animals battles against the necessity of the sustenance they provide and the way this sustenance is produced. As Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of The Face on Your Plate: The Truth About Food says, “We are not encouraged, on a daily basis, to pay careful attention to the animals we eat. On the contrary, the meat, dairy, and egg industries all actively encourage us to give thought to our own immediate interest (taste, for example, or cheap food) but not to the real suffering involved.” He has a very good point, a point which gives light to this huge question: How far will factory farming go before the issue of animal treatment and animal rights will be completely uprooted and redefined for the worse? The controversial issues of factory farms, centering on the necessity of factory farming versus their detrimental effects on the future of farm animals, will be analyzed through the most debated pros and cons, revealing the importance of preserving the welfare of farm animals and finding an alternate solution to factory farming.
The food industry in America is one of the largest, if not the most important, industries in the country. It controls and oversees what almost every consumer in America eats and buys today. Because of...

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... to these future leaders to become aware of this issue now to change this colossal real-life problem. The simple change of bettering the lives of the farm animals can change the history of factory farming and America for the better.
The controversial issue surrounding factory farms that centers on the necessity of factory farming and their detrimental effects on the future of farm animals was analyzed through pros and cons that revealed the importance of preserving the welfare of farm animals and finding an alternate solution to factory farming. Now, when I have the choice to eat out at a fast food restaurant or eat at home with organic ingredients, I find that the small sacrifice to support local farms and healthier animals is worth it. It takes everyone making those small changes that can make the difference in changing the welfare and future of our farm animals.

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