Wachovia Strategic Management

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Wachovia Strategic Management

Wachovia Corporation

Wachovia Corporation was created after First Union Corporation and the original Wachovia Corporation merged in 2001. First Union Corporation was the actual purchaser of Wachovia Corporation. First Union had started off as a one man operation operating out of the Buford Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. Over the years First Union grew and acquired the reputation as a strong financial performing corporation with superior customer service. Its strong underwriting performance over the years is what kept the bank above water during the 1930’s depression and on into the 21st century. Though its roots lied in general banking the company has diversified into a complete financial service company. During 1999 First Union made a fatal flaw that would lead to its purchasing of Wachovia Corporation. First Union destroyed its reputation for having excellent customer service by forcing all customers coming into the bank to use phones that would put them into contact with a national call center. With customers unable to get service in the banks First Union could not stop the land slide that would ruin their name in the industry. Looking for a quick fix to the problem First Union went on to buy and merge with Wachovia Bank who was the top rated bank in America for customer service. First Union kept their business model intact but quickly went back to in bank support and took on the name of Wachovia Corporation. (Watson, 2007)

Wachovia Corporation as it stands today is one of the top financial service providers in America. Wachovia has some international ties but the company primarily operations within the continental United States. “Wachovia offers commercial and retail banking, mortgage banking, investment banking, investment advisory, asset management, leasing, insurance, retirement services, and securities brokerage services.” (Wachovia.com) With Wachovia’s recent acquisition of Golden West Corporation it now operates in 21 states and has over 3,400 banking centers. It employees over 110,000 people and its headquarters is out of Charlotte, North Carolina. Wachovia Corporation has several subsidiaries that make up its family of financial providers. Its largest subsidiaries include Wachovia Bank, N.

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