Negative Effects Of Video Games

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Since the development of video games was invented many years ago, violent and bloody games have also existed. It has created a content where people can kill zombies, experience first-game shooting, and fighting that ends in either someone dying or being hurt. The outcome remains the same, and selective few continue to live out these games throughout their daily life. These types of games can sometimes cause people to become angry which leads to a negative effect on some people’s lives. Other reasons can also trigger such as their home life can be a factor in these people’s behavior. Craig Anderson, the director of the center for the study of violence draws the attention about the changing behavior directly to video games. He states, “…found …show more content…

According to the New York Times, “Shooting in the Dark” written by Benedict Carey state, “The young men who opened fire at Columbine High School, at the movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and in other massacres had this in common: they were video gamers who seemed to be acting out some dark digital fantasy”(1). Most of the time, video games are made in a highly percentage of violence or M for mature content. Children and possibly adults who plays more violent games can accumulate that the more hours you play into it might or can reveal increases in aggressive behavior and violent tendencies compared to children who plays fewer hours a week. As Carey continue, “Moreover, youngsters who develop a gaming habit can become slightly more aggressive” (1). The more hours means children have a clear view on how to reenact to it. It also means that their brain is not functioning correctly. So when asking a kid about the person they do not like, what will they do? They would probably answer in different ways, such as punch him in the face or shoot him. Similarly from the New York Times, of Issues & Controversies of Video Games, Gerald Driessen, a behavioral psychologists at the National Safety Council claims “Violence is passive….In this game a player takes the first step to creating violence. The player is no longer just a spectator. He’s an actor in the process.” In other words, the player becomes the shooter. If the …show more content…

Most of violent video games such as first-person shooter games can contribute to society violence. Shooter games can help gamers to identify or have knowledge of what kind of weapons does the role-playing character has. It tells the gamers what weapons, especially guns are stronger, easy to use or how much does it cost. Such variety of guns can be a conflict. Who knew that a kid can handle and understand about guns? A quote taken by George Drinka who written the article, “violent video games can desensitizes players and increase aggression” states “….engaging in isolated, prolonged play—have used violent video games to train themselves to kill. Experts note that playing them improves eye-hand coordination for efficiently aiming and firing a gun.” Similarly, “The player points his weapon at his enemies and learns to pull the trigger with ever greater

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